Date of Birth: 21.02.1998
Sex: mare
Color: chestnut
StB Number: RASB 1542
Vatman RU
grey 1990
Mustang RU
chestnut 1974
Nabeg RU
bay 1966
Arax PL bay 1952
Nomenklatura RU bay 1943
Metropolia RU
chestnut 1957
Priboj RU chestnut 1944
Mammona PL bay 1939
Vremianka RU
grey 1982
Neapol RU
grey 1972
Aswan EG grey 1958
Nalpa RU grey 1964
Miest RU
grey 1966
Salon RU grey 1959
Metropolia RU chestnut 1957
Gorianka RU
grey 1984
Neapol RU
grey 1972
Aswan EG
grey 1958
Nazeer EG grey 1934
Yosreia EG grey 1943
Nalpa RU
grey 1964
Pomeranets RU chestnut 1952
Nitochka RU grey 1948
Nadejda RU
grey 1976
Naslednik RU
grey 1961
Nil EG grey 1951
Nitochka RU grey 1948
Naturshica RU
bay 1962
Arax PL bay 1952
Neposeda RU chestnut 1955
  • Matings: 1
  • Total offspring: 1
  • Colts: 0
  • Fillies: 1
  • 10.03.05 — m. Gjelka (Kambuz)
  • Current points: 0 (Calculated for the period: 15.09.2023 - 18.03.2025)
  • Total points: 42
  • Total prize: 0RUB
  • Place: 3: 1-1-1-0
Date Racetrack Track Race Place Time Distance Jockey/Trainer Points Money
21.10.00 Samara*** (RUS) DRT Mammona Stakes GR III C RUS 2 1400 7 0
30.09.00 Samara*** (RUS) DRT Great Cup (Bolshoy) ex Kalinin Stakes GR I C RUS 3 1400 19 0
22.07.00 Samara*** (RUS) DRT Summer Stakes GR II C RUS 1 1200 16 0