Date of Birth: 22.02.2018
Sex: stallion
Color: bay
Size (height, chest, pastern): 160.0-185.0-19.0
Brand: 37 18
Chip: 643094100518817
Breeder: Tersk Stud (RUS)
Owner: Tersk Stud (RUS)
Email: terkonzavod@mail.ru
Phone: + 7 906 4913349, +7 905 4666006
Address: Школьная д. 2, пос. Новотерский, Минеральные Воды
Chimeryk PL
dark bay 2008
Eryks PL
dark bay 2003
Gazal al Shaqab QA
bay 1995
Anaza el Farid US bay 1988
Kadjora US bay 1979
Emmona RU
grey 1998
Monogramm US chestnut 1985
Emilda PL grey 1990
Chimera PL
bay 1998
Emigrant PL
grey 1991
Ararat PL grey 1985
Emigrantka PL grey 1985
Czereda PL
grey 1987
Probat SE bay 1975
Cieciwa PL grey 1981
Meine Kleine Tersk RU
chestnut 2011
Nizami RU
chestnut 2007
WH Justice US
grey 1999
Magnum Psyche US chestnut 1995
Vona Sher-Renea US grey 1989
Nairobi RU
grey 2001
Balaton RU chestnut 1982
Nasyp RU grey 1992
Mariel RU
bay 2004
Ansambl RU
bay 2000
Balaton RU chestnut 1982
Artemida RU bay 1991
Miniatyura RU
chestnut 1994
Negasimiy RU bay 1988
Mednaya RU chestnut 1987
  • Matings: 15
  • Total offspring: 15
  • Colts: 7
  • Fillies: 8
  • Total points: 150
Date Show Category Class Age Place Points
22.08.21 IV Russian Championship (RASB)/ X Zvezda Pyatigoria (Star of Five Mountains) (RUS) C ECAHO Junior Colts 1-3 2 Junior Silver Champion 17
22.08.21 IV Russian Championship (RASB)/ X Zvezda Pyatigoria (Star of Five Mountains) (RUS) C ECAHO 5 2-3 2 17
30.05.21 VIII Rising Star of the Tersk (RUS) D ECAHO Junior colts 1-3 1 Junior Gold Champion 13
30.05.21 VIII Rising Star of the Tersk (RUS) D ECAHO 10 3 1 13
25.08.19 III Russian Championship (RASB)/ IX Zvezda Pyatigoria (Star of Five Mountains) (RUS) C ECAHO Junior Colts 1-3 1 Junior Gold Champion, Best Junior 19
25.08.19 III Russian Championship (RASB)/ IX Zvezda Pyatigoria (Star of Five Mountains) (RUS) C ECAHO 4 1 1 19
25.05.19 VII Rising Star of the Tersk (RUS) D ECAHO Junior Colts 1-3 1 Junior Gold Champion, Best in Show 13
25.05.19 VII Rising Star of the Tersk (RUS) D ECAHO 10 1 1 13
26.05.18 VI Rising Star of the Tersk (RUS) D ECAHO Foal-colts championship 0,1-0,8 1 Gold Foal Champion, Best Colt-Foal 13
26.05.18 VI Rising Star of the Tersk (RUS) D ECAHO 6 0,1-0,8 1 13