Date of Birth: 27.05.2003
Date of Death: 12.02.2018
Sex: stallion
Color: bay
StB Number: RASB
Breeder: Kovcheg Stud (RUS)
Owner: Kovcheg Stud (RUS)
Gabardin RU
bay 1984
Slet RU
bay 1973
Topol RU
bay 1958
Priboj RU chestnut 1944
Taktika RU bay 1943
Salvia RU
chestnut 1967
Lak RU grey 1960
Sapina RU chestnut 1959
Protekcia RU
grey 1975
Elfur PL
dark bay 1966
Czort PL bay 1949
Ellora PL bay 1950
Pestchinka RU
grey 1964
Semen PL grey 1956
Pevunia RU grey 1951
Platina RU
chestnut 1996
Priliv RU
chestnut 1986
Peleng RU
chestnut 1978
Nabeg RU bay 1966
Palmira RU bay 1967
Plazma RU
grey 1978
Aswan EG grey 1958
Polnoch RU grey 1961
Akita RU
chestnut 1989
Karavan RU
grey 1975
Naslednik RU grey 1961
Karolina RU chestnut 1970
Albanka RU
grey 1981
Mascat RU grey 1975
Nejnost RU chestnut 1976
  • Current points: 0 (Calculated for the period: 14.09.2023 - 17.03.2025)
  • Total points: 2
  • Total prize: 0RUB
  • Place: 1: 0-0-0-1
Date Racetrack Track Race Place Time Distance Jockey/Trainer Points Money
23.07.11 Ropsha*** (RUS) race 4 2:34:21 1800 j: Sechen S.
2 0
  • Total points: 43
Date Show Category Class Age Place Points
07.05.06 St. Petersburg Open (RUS) INT 2 1-3 3 20
14.05.05 Open C Show International (RUS) INT 2 1-2 2 23
  • Current points: 0
  • Total points: 78
Date Title Rider Distance Started Place Points
25.08.13 Championship of Leningrad region
(RUS) CEN (80-99)
Grishina M. 80 ROV 0
20.07.13 Open Championship Vsevolozhsk district
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Grishina M. 44 5 16
15.06.13 Open Championship Vsevolozhsk District
(RUS) CEN (80-99)
Grishina M. 80 1 40
25.05.13 Open Championship of the Lomonosov district of Leningrad region
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Grishina M. 40 3 18
20.10.12 Autumn marathon
(RUS) CEN (80-99)
Grishina M. 80 1 ROV 0
27.08.11 OPEN CUP COMPETITIONS heads of municipalities " Zanevsky rural settlements "
(RUS) CENAm (20-39)
Segen S. 30 7 2 4
Date Title Type Place Rider Description
15.06.14 3rd Open Cup of EC Prinevskoe - 2 stage, Test C - Open class (RUS) dressage 9 Spasovskaya E. 61,078%