Date of Birth: 29.07.2016
Sex: stallion
Color: grey
Breeder: Giniyatullin S.Sh. Stud (RUS)
Owner: Giniyatullin S.Sh. Stud (RUS)
Phone: +7 (951) 893-73-51
Address: Татарстан, Тюлячинский р-н
Pobratim RU
grey 2006
Bolid RU
grey 1993
Dyatel RU
bay 1985
Naftalin RU bay 1977
Sova RU chestnut 1979
Balta RU
grey 1982
Mascat RU grey 1975
Teberda RU grey 1965
Promashka RU
chestnut 1994
Mukomol RU
chestnut 1979
Kumir RU chestnut 1973
Malinka RU grey 1973
Peremenka RU
grey 1990
Naftalin RU bay 1977
Palomna RU grey 1980
Plagma RU
chestnut 2006
Gamin de Carrere FR
chestnut 1994
Manganate FR
chestnut 1972
Saint Laurent FR chestnut 1948
Mandragore FR bay 1955
Nita du Cassou FR
chestnut 1979
Seraskier GB chestnut 1971
Jina du Cassou FR bay 1975
Pogonya RU
chestnut 1998
Gamburg RU
grey 1990
Bagdad RU bay 1982
Gviana RU grey 1984
Paulinka RU
chestnut 1995
Vospitannik RU grey 1983
Puna RU chestnut 1976
  • Current points: 0 (Calculated for the period: 14.09.2023 - 17.03.2025)
  • Total points: 3
  • Total prize: 9 000RUB
  • Place: 2: 0-0-1-0
Date Racetrack Track Race Place Time Distance Jockey/Trainer Points Money
20.07.18 Kazan (RUS) PLT Named Race 3 1:48:51 1200 j: Shaidullin K.
t: Sharafutlinov M.
3 4 000
23.06.18 Kazan (RUS) PLT Arabain Star Stakes 7 1:25:33 1000 j: Kainov A.
t: Sharafutlinov M.
0 5 000