Date of Birth: 10.02.2005
Sex: stallion
Color: grey
Breeder: Veles Stud (RUS)
Owner: Veles Stud (RUS)
Email: nbu_08@mail.ru
Phone: +79273865405
Address: Пенза
Barkas RU
grey 1991
Strij RU
bay 1977
Topol RU
bay 1958
Priboj RU chestnut 1944
Taktika RU bay 1943
Simpatika RU
chestnut 1971
Pomeranets RU chestnut 1952
Sapina RU chestnut 1959
Bakhroma RU
grey 1982
Mascat RU
grey 1975
Aswan EG grey 1958
Malutka RU grey 1968
Mirta RU
chestnut 1970
Kankan RU grey 1954
Malwa RU bay 1965
Pamela RU
grey 1992
Mukomol RU
chestnut 1979
Kumir RU
chestnut 1973
Mak RU chestnut 1956
Kapella RU chestnut 1957
Malinka RU
grey 1973
Aswan EG grey 1958
Malutka RU grey 1968
Pustota RU
grey 1973
Aswan EG
grey 1958
Nazeer EG grey 1934
Yosreia EG grey 1943
Pustynia RU
chestnut 1965
Salon RU grey 1959
Ptashka RU bay 1953
  • Current points: 0 (Calculated for the period: 11.09.2023 - 14.03.2025)
  • Total points: 3
  • Total prize: 1 200RUB
  • Place: 5: 0-0-1-0
Date Racetrack Track Race Place Time Distance Jockey/Trainer Points Money
08.09.07 Samara*** (RUS) DRT Named prize 3 1:30:80 1200 j: Semyonova A.
t: Lozovoi A.
3 1 200
11.08.07 Samara*** (RUS) DRT Great Cup (Bolshoy) ex Kalinin Stakes GR I C RUS 9 1:33:50 1200 j: Semyonova A.
t: Lozovoi A.
2 0
09.06.07 Samara*** (RUS) DRT Nemed Race 6 1:16:50 1000 j: Semyonova A.
t: Lozovoi A.
-1 0
26.05.07 Samara*** (RUS) DRT May Stikes 6 1:16:20 1000 j: Dvoryashin R.
t: Lozovoi A.
-1 0
29.04.07 Borskaya*** (RUS) DRT Race 800 j: Semyonova A.
t: Lozovoi A.
  • Current points: 0
  • Total points: 17
Date Title Rider Distance Started Place Points
06.11.10 qualifyng competition
(RUS) CENAm (20-39)
Houbiev H. 39 5 5 1
27.03.10 Qualifying competitions
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Kubanov N. 45 6 6 15
07.02.10 Qualifying competitions
(RUS) CENAm (20-39)
Ushakova M. 30 11 6 1