Date of Birth: 05.02.2009
Sex: gelding
Color: bay
Brand: 28
Breeder: Khrenovoe Stud (RUS)
Owner: private in country (RUS)
Pripusk (Propusk) RU
bay 1997
Prikaz RU
bay 1978
Kumir RU
chestnut 1973
Mak RU chestnut 1956
Kapella RU chestnut 1957
Pliaska RU
bay 1969
Lak RU grey 1960
Palba RU bay 1961
Prem'era RU
grey 1986
Mascat RU
grey 1975
Aswan EG grey 1958
Malutka RU grey 1968
Plenitelnaia RU
chestnut 1976
Topol RU bay 1958
Pokaznaya RU chestnut 1962
Diona RU
grey 2001
Anchar RU
bay 1981
Moment RU
grey 1969
Salon RU grey 1959
Malpia RU chestnut 1958
Nutria RU
bay 1976
Topol RU bay 1958
Nasturcia RU grey 1970
Doblest RU
grey 1991
Strij RU
bay 1977
Topol RU bay 1958
Simpatika RU chestnut 1971
Dikusha RU
grey 1985
Mascat RU grey 1975
Kaia RU chestnut 1964
  • Current points: 0 (Calculated for the period: 02.09.2023 - 05.03.2025)
  • Total points: 13
  • Total prize: 5 500RUB
  • Place: 6: 1-1-0-1
Date Racetrack Track Race Place Time Distance Jockey/Trainer Points Money
03.07.12 Olymp*** (RUS) DRT Named Race 1 2:09:50 1600 j: Belokrinskaya M.
7 4 000
24.06.12 Khrenovskoy*** (RUS) DRT Naseem Stakes GR I C RUS 5 1:59:20 1600 j: Kramorenko I.
1 0
09.05.12 Khrenovskoy*** (RUS) DRT race 6 2:04:20 1600 j: Arunyunova A.
-1 0
01.05.12 Khrenovskoy*** (RUS) DRT Named Race 2 1:39:30 1400 j: Petukhov V.
5 1 500
28.05.11 Khrenovskoy*** (RUS) DRT race for diff breeds 4 1:16:40 1000 j: Archakova E.
1 0
09.05.11 Khrenovskoy*** (RUS) DRT Trials Stakes (Probny) GR III C RUS 5 1:21:60 1000 j: Chupikova D.
0 0
  • Current points: 0
  • Total points: 669
Date Title Rider Distance Started Place Points
06.07.19 International competition
Batishcheva K. 80 3 ROV 0
06.07.19 All-Russian Competition
Batishcheva K. 80 7 ROV 0
08.06.19 Сup of chapter of city of zaraysk
(RUS) CEN (80-99)
Batishcheva K. 80 6 2 38
04.05.19 Championship CFA among youths and juniors
Batishcheva K. 80 11 9 24
21.04.19 Rostov Chempionship
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Batishcheva K. 40 8 4 17
23.02.19 Sharapovsky raid, Defender of the Fatherland Day
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Batishcheva K. 40 18 16 5
30.09.17 The CIS Cup
Batishcheva K. 121 3 2 117
15.07.17 Russian Chempionship
(RUS) CEN 2* (120-139)
Kostuk E. 120 16 11 90
15.07.17 Russian Chempionship
(RUS) CEI 2*
Kostuk E. 120 16 11 90
25.06.17 The prize of the hero of Russia, General of the army Viktor Kazantsev
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Gekiev A. 40 12 1 20
28.05.17 Russian cup
(RUS) CEN 2*
Kostuk E. 82 30 17 48
28.05.17 Russian cup
(RUS) CEI 1* (100-119)
Kostuk E. 82 17 10 62
09.07.16 Russian Championships
(RUS) CEI 1* (100-119)
Kozlov S. 80 11 ROV 0
09.07.16 Russian Championships
(RUS) CEN 2*
Kozlov S. 80 11 ROV 0
29.05.16 Cup "Sodruzhestvo"
(RUS) CENCh 1*
Gappoev B. 80 1 1 40
08.11.15 Qualifying competitions
Ramonov A. 80 1 40
10.10.15 Cup of the North Caucasus
Ramonov A. 80 1 40
15.08.15 Qualifying competitions
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Ramonov A. 40 2 19
21.03.15 Qualifying competitions
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Bagaev A. 40 2 19