Date of Birth: 07.02.2009
Sex: mare
Color: chestnut
StB Number: RASB 2124
Brand: 31
Breeder: Khrenovoe Stud (RUS)
Owner: Pyryaev Mikhail (RUS)
Phone: 8-909-757-13-58
Benedick FR
chestnut 2001
Dormane FR
bay 1984
Manganate FR
chestnut 1972
Saint Laurent FR chestnut 1948
Mandragore FR bay 1955
Mandore FR
bay 1976
Grabiec PL bay 1964
Mandarine III FR bay 1956
Beatrice GB
chestnut 1986
Dhruv GB
bay 1979
El Shaklan DE grey 1975
Despina GB grey 1975
Banika GB
bay 1969
Darzee GB grey 1952
Bishra GB grey 1963
Doblest RU
grey 1991
Strij RU
bay 1977
Topol RU
bay 1958
Priboj RU chestnut 1944
Taktika RU bay 1943
Simpatika RU
chestnut 1971
Pomeranets RU chestnut 1952
Sapina RU chestnut 1959
Dikusha RU
grey 1985
Mascat RU
grey 1975
Aswan EG grey 1958
Malutka RU grey 1968
Kaia RU
chestnut 1964
Semen PL grey 1956
Knopka RU chestnut 1950
  • Matings: 10
  • Total offspring: 10
  • Colts: 6
  • Fillies: 4
  • 22.02.23 — m. Djeysy (Samonlau OA)
  • 18.02.24 — s. Danhil (Harakan)
  • Current points: 0 (Calculated for the period: 15.09.2023 - 18.03.2025)
  • Total points: 2
  • Total prize: 8 470RUB
  • Place: 3: 0-0-0-2
Date Racetrack Track Race Place Time Distance Jockey/Trainer Points Money
01.07.12 Pyatigorsk (RUS) FBS race Gr IV 4 2:34:47 2000 j: Chotchaev M.
1 0
03.06.12 Pyatigorsk (RUS) FBS Taktika Stakes GR II C RUS 9 2:03:97 1600 j: Mardanov I.
0 0
13.05.12 Pyatigorsk (RUS) FBS Named Race 4 2:05:71 1600 j: Mardanov I.
1 8 470