GIMNASTIKA RU (Vol. IX, p. 33)

Date of Birth: 27.03.1984
Sex: mare
Color: grey
StB Number: RASB 1079
Brand: 41
Breeder: Tersk Stud (RUS)
Owner: private in country (RUS)


Продана ч/вл. С.П. Леонкину.

Neapol RU
grey 1972
Aswan EG
grey 1958
Nazeer EG
grey 1934
Mansour EG grey 1921
Bint Samiha EG bay 1925
Yosreia EG
grey 1943
Sheikh el Arab EG grey 1933
Hind EG bay 1929
Nalpa RU
grey 1964
Pomeranets RU
chestnut 1952
Priboj RU chestnut 1944
Mammona PL bay 1939
Nitochka RU
grey 1948
Naseem GB grey 1922
Taraszcza PL grey 1937
Tribuna RU
bay 1976
Nazeeh EG
bay 1968
Gassir EG
grey 1941
Kheir EG grey 1924
Badia EG bay 1934
Zebeda EG
grey 1955
El Sareei (El Sarie) EG bay 1942
Galila EG grey 1949
Teplica RU
grey 1957
Priboj RU
chestnut 1944
Piolun PL chestnut 1934
Rissalma GB chestnut 1932
Taraszcza PL
grey 1937
Enwer Bey PL grey 1923
Gazella II PL bay 1914
  • Matings: 2
  • Total offspring: 2
  • Colts: 2
  • Fillies: 0
  • 24.02.98 — s. Givy (Vatman)
  • 07.04.99 — s. Gerbit (Buben)
  • Current points: 0 (Calculated for the period: 08.09.2023 - 11.03.2025)
  • Total points: 6
  • Total prize: 80RUB
  • Place: 3: 0-0-2-0
Date Racetrack Track Race Place Time Distance Jockey/Trainer Points Money
27.09.86 Pyatigorsk Old (RUS) DRT Race IV Gr race 3 1:16:4 1000 j: kazakov V.
t: Bledniykh A.
3 40
06.09.86 Pyatigorsk Old (RUS) DRT Race IV Gr race 3 1:32:0 1200 j: Perov S.
t: Bledniykh A.
3 40
21.06.86 Pyatigorsk Old (RUS) DRT Race (IV GR) 5 1:35:2 1200 j: Sokolov S.
t: Bledniykh A.
0 0
  • Current points: 0
  • Total points: 0
Date Title Rider Distance Started Place Points
16.10.16 Open Cup Stavropol district
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Kugotov R. 40 15 ROV 0