Date of Birth: 14.02.2017
Sex: stallion
Color: bay
Chip: 643090000181761
Breeder: Kondrashov Yuriy (RUS)
Owner: Gorbunova Ekaterina (RUS)
Totti RU
bay 2009
Nonius RU
chestnut 2001
Nougatin FR
chestnut 1994
Dormane FR bay 1984
Nouillaugratin FR chestnut 1988
Nakhodka RU
chestnut 1994
Drug RU grey 1985
Nasechka RU chestnut 1978
Tara RU
bay 2003
Marwan FR
chestnut 1994
Manganate FR chestnut 1972
Marifa FR bay 1987
Tonika RU
bay 1995
Nard RU bay 1989
Tronka RU bay 1979
Aelita RU
chestnut 2011
Sonet RU
chestnut 2000
Nougatin FR
chestnut 1994
Dormane FR bay 1984
Nouillaugratin FR chestnut 1988
Sonata RU
chestnut 1994
Nikel RU bay 1986
Smekalka RU grey 1980
Asmera RU
chestnut 2004
Eleron RU
chestnut 1994
Namaz RU bay 1988
Ekonomka RU chestnut 1987
Avstria RU
grey 1997
Viking RU chestnut 1983
Afina RU grey 1981
  • Current points: 0 (Calculated for the period: 15.08.2023 - 15.02.2025)
  • Total points: 0
  • Total prize: 0RUB
  • Place: 1: 0-0-0-0
Date Racetrack Track Race Place Time Distance Jockey/Trainer Points Money
23.08.20 Pyatigorsk (RUS) FBS Great Sprint Cup GR II B RUS RET 1200 j: S.
t: Kondrashov A.
24.05.20 Pyatigorsk (RUS) FBS Novice Race 5 1:48:9 1400 j: Gasanov M.
t: Kondrashov A.
0 0
  • Total points: 0
Date Show Category Class Age Place Points
16.08.24 Born of the wind (RUS) RGN 2 4+ 7 0
  • Current points: 0
  • Total points: 160
Date Title Rider Distance Started Place Points
17.08.24 Russian Championship for young horses
(RUS) CEN 2* (120-139)
Gorboonova E. 120 8 RET 0
27.04.24 Gagarin Memorial Cup
Gorboonova E. 100 12 2 38
23.03.24 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Cup
Gorboonova E. 80 12 18
25.11.23 Qualifications competition
(RUS) CEN 1* (100-119)
Gorboonova E. 100 12 ROV 0
22.10.23 All-Russian Competition (President KBR Endurance Cup)
(RUS) CEN 1* (100-119)
Gorboonova E. 100 12 GA 0
22.10.23 All-Russian Competition (President KBR Endurance Cup)
Gorboonova E. 80 23 1 40
27.05.23 Russian Endurance Cup
Gorboonova E. 80 30 8 26
24.03.23 Kabardino-Balkarian Republic Cup
Gorboonova E. 80 27 9 24
21.01.23 Qualifications competition, RS Geduko
Gorboonova E. 40 27 7 14
24.04.22 All-Russian competition
(RUS) CEN (40-79)
Gorboonova E. 40 38 0 0
26.03.22 II stage of the КBR Cup on endurance
Kugotov R. 40 28 0 0
26.02.22 International competition
Gorboonova E. 40 42 0 0