Date of Birth: 05.05.2013
Sex: mare
Color: bay
Breeder: Veles Stud (RUS)
Owner: Veles Stud (RUS)
Phone: +79273865405
Address: Пенза
Dahess FR
grey 1999
Amer SA
grey 1984
Wafi SA
Shabab SA grey
Sarhan SA grey
Bushrah SA
grey 1974
Lahoom SA grey
Rahifa SA grey
Danie du Cassou FR
bay 1984
Dahr FR
grey 1969
Saadi FR grey 1962
Fawzia FR chestnut 1960
Nerva du Cassou FR
chestnut 1976
Baroud III FR bay 1969
Nevadour FR chestnut 1970
Bental RU
chestnut 2003
Argon RU
chestnut 1981
Prostor RU
chestnut 1973
Sport RU chestnut 1957
Prizma RU bay 1963
Nega RU
chestnut 1968
Aswan EG grey 1958
Neposeda RU chestnut 1955
Businka RU
grey 1996
Nagan RU
grey 1988
Nimroz RU grey 1979
Vspyshka RU chestnut 1983
Buksa RU
grey 1991
Strij RU bay 1977
Bakkara RU grey 1982
  • Current points: 0 (Calculated for the period: 19.09.2023 - 22.03.2025)
  • Total points: 12
  • Total prize: 5 745RUB
  • Place: 3: 0-0-0-0
Date Racetrack Track Race Place Time Distance Jockey/Trainer Points Money
09.10.16 Sluzewiec (POL) GRS Race (Gr.II) 8 1800 j: Wójcik I.
1 0
28.08.16 Sluzewiec (POL) GRS Race (GR II) 5 1800 j: Kaminska K.
6 5 745
14.08.16 Sluzewiec (POL) GRS Race (GR II) seria B 6 1800 j: Kaminska K.
5 0
  • Total points: 12
Date Show Category Class Age Place Points
08.06.14 Veles Cup (RUS) STD 2 1 4 3
08.08.13 Veles Cup (RUS) STD 8 0-0,8 1 9