WF GAWIN SE (017AR886)

Date of Birth: 24.04.2020
Sex: stallion
Color: bay
StB Number: 29355
Brand: 752003000321020
Chip: 985141001349731
Magic Magnifique IT
black 2009
True Colours CA
chestnut 1997
Thee Desperado US
bay 1989
The Minstril US bay 1984
Ak Amiri Asmarr US grey 1985
Daheda DE
grey 1987
Dalul US chestnut 1968
Nahed DE grey 1983
Magic Mon Amour US
bay 2004
Windsprees Mirage US
black 1996
Thee Desperado US bay 1989
GL Lady Mirage US black 1986
Al Amrya DE
bay 2000
BJ Thee Mustafa US bay 1993
Krushinka DE chestnut 1996
WW Gawina SE
bay 2014
Emerald J BE
bay 2010
QR Marc US
bay 2005
Marwan al Shaqab QA bay 2000
Emandoria PL
grey 2004
Gazal al Shaqab QA bay 1995
Emanda PL grey 1996
WW Gazella SE
bay 2005
Psytadel US
bay 1998
Padrons Psyche US chestnut 1988
Bint Bey Shah US bay 1994
Grenlandia PL
grey 1988
Eukaliptus PL grey 1974
Getynga PL chestnut 1981
  • Matings: 1
  • Total offspring: 1
  • Colts: 0
  • Fillies: 1
  • Total points: 154
Date Show Category Class Age Place Points
07.12.23 World Arabian Horse Championship (QAT) T Junior Colts 2-3 3 Junior Bronze Champion 28
07.12.23 World Arabian Horse Championship (QAT) T 2-3 3 28
13.11.21 European Championship (ITA) EU CH Title A ECAHO Yearling Colts Championship (Class YCC) 1 1 Gold Foal Champion 24
13.11.21 European Championship (ITA) EU CH Title A ECAHO 10В 1 1 24
26.06.21 Mediterranean and Arab Countries AHC (FRA) A INT ECAHO Yearling Male Championship (Class YMC) 1 3 Bronze Foal Champion 23
26.06.21 Mediterranean and Arab Countries AHC (FRA) A INT ECAHO 1 2 27